McCaskill Urges Senate Vote On Stem-Cell Research

Date: May 24, 2006
Location: St. Louis, MO

McCaskill Urges Senate Vote On Stem-Cell Research

May 24, 2006

Calls on Senate to act on one-year anniversary of Republican obstruction effort

ST. LOUIS -- Today, U.S. Senate candidate Claire McCaskill noted the one-year anniversary of Republican refusal to bring the bipartisan and House-passed Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act (HR 810), which would permit lifesaving embryonic stem cell research, to a vote in the U.S. Senate. McCaskill called on Jim Talent to put aside politics and take immediate action to bring the bill to a vote.

"It's unconscionable that any U.S. Senator would obstruct legislation promoting lifesaving cures merely for partisan political gain," said McCaskill. "The hundreds of thousands of Missourians who suffer from debilitating diseases that could be cured through stem cell research deserve better than that.

"While we finally know where Senator Talent stands on this lifesaving research -- against it -- he owes it to the people of Missouri to at least allow it to get a fair hearing in the U.S. Senate.

"As Missouri's Senator, I will never leave hundreds of thousands of Missouri patients and their loved ones in limbo on such a critical issue. I will fight to deliver them hope for the debilitating diseases and conditions that they must live with every day."
